Revamp Your Living Space Affordably

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Are you like me and see a post of an amazingly styled kitchen or go to a friends house and she seems to have something new every time you are there and like me your mind starts running with ideas for your own house? You start clicking on links and adding items to your amazon cart but realize, wow this sure added up? I do it all the time!

Decorating our homes can be an exciting and fulfilling experience, but it can also be expensive. Fortunately, there are many ways to decorate on a budget without sacrificing style or quality. Here are five tips for decorating your home and keeping it on budget.



5 Budget Friendly Décor Tips


  • Shop in your Own Home

Keep an open mind when browsing through your home and look for items that can be repurposed or refurbished to fit your current style. We all have items in our home that we liked at one time or another but now it feels like it no longer works in that space. Maybe it can be as simple as moving a piece of artwork or vase from one room to another can give it a new life.

Maybe you have a storage room that you have not looked through for a while and like my kids after I ask them to clean out their closet you find something you can be excited about again. One way I love to change up to look of my living room is to purchase nice but inexpensive pillow cover and that way I can change it up more regularly.



  • DIY Projects

I am going to be honest and say that I am not super handy. I cannot built a wall of bookcases or retile my floor, but I do think DIY projects are a fun and cost-effective way to decorate your home. My idea of DIY is things like painting old furniture to making your own wall art. There are countless DIY projects that can add a touch of personality to your living space. Not only do DIY projects save money, but they also allow you to create something that is uniquely yours.


  • Rearrange Furniture

Sometimes, all it takes to freshen up your living space is a new furniture arrangement. Experiment with different ways to arrange your furniture to create a new look and feel in your home. Consider moving your furniture away from the walls, mixing and matching different pieces, or creating a new function for that area. For example, a cozy reading nook with a comfortable chair and a lamp.


Home Decor
  • Use Plants

If you know me, you know that my new favorite hobby are plants! Once you start it’s hard not to add more. Plants are a great way to add color and life to your home. They also have the added benefit of improving air quality and reducing stress. Look for affordable plants at your local nursery or home improvement store, or consider propagating your own plants from clippings. You can also create your own planters using pots, vases or jars you already have. Keep it simple and do your homework at first. Select plants that are easy to keep alive like Snake, ZZ and Pothos plants.


  • Shop Sales, Clearance and Marketplace

When shopping for home decor, keep an eye out for sales and clearance items. Many retailers offer discounts on home decor items throughout the year, especially during holiday sales such as Christmas in July, Black Friday and Cyber Monday. You can also find great deals on home decor at discount stores such as T.J. Maxx, Homegoods, At Home, Amazon, Hobby Lobby and Marshalls. Also check your local thrift store, farmers markets and online resales on places like Craig’s List and Marketplace. Just be sure to read the labels and inspect items carefully to ensure that they are of good quality. And remember to take a helper with you LOL



I hope these tips will help you the next time you get the itch to change up your space. And remember decorating your home on a budget doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With a little creativity and resourcefulness, you can create a beautiful and personalized living space that reflects your style and personality. Whether you’re shopping for in your own home, embarking on DIY projects, rearranging furniture, adding plants, or shopping sales, there are many ways to decorate on a budget. So go ahead and get creative – your wallet (and your living space) will thank you!



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