Find Your Homes Style

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Finding your home style can be a daunting task, especially if you’re not sure where to start. I am an interior decorator and I still question myself at times. With so many different options and styles to choose from, it can be overwhelming to know what direction to take. However, with a little bit of guidance and some helpful tips, you can easily find the perfect style for your home. Here are five tips to help you get started.


5 Helpful Tips to Find Your Homes Style


  • Determine Your Personal Style

The first step to finding your homes style is to determine your personal style. Take some time to think about what kind of style you’re drawn to. Do you prefer a more traditional look, or are you more into modern and minimalist designs? I tell clients to look for inspiration online and in magazines to help you get a better idea of what you like. This will help you narrow down your options and make it easier to find the perfect style for your home. It also helps you figure out what you “Do Not Like” and that is just as important.



  • Consider Your Lifestyle

Another important factor to consider when choosing your homes style is your lifestyle. Think about how you use your home and what kind of design would be most functional for your needs. No it’s not just about making it beautiful. For example, if you have kids or pets, you may want to opt for a more durable and practical design. On the other hand, if you love to entertain, you might want to focus on creating a welcoming and inviting space for guests. Other factors to think about is do you work from home, are you a homebody or out all the time? Or you could be lucky like me and have 4 Kids, work from home, love to entertain and also love staying home for family nights.


  • Choose a Color Scheme

If you know me you know I am all about picking the right colors. Color is a powerful tool when it comes to interior design, and choosing the right color scheme can really help tie your homes style together. Think about what colors you’re drawn to and what kind of mood you want to create in your home. If you’re not sure where to start, walk into your closet. We tend to dress and decorate very similar. If you walk into my closet you will find about every color in the rainbow and almost as much pattern but if you walked into my friends closet you would find a lot of white, black, gray, blue and a few patterns. Both styles are great but most likely I will be more bold in my color selections.


If you still are having a hard time selecting a color palette, check out my pre-design color palettes or I can help you customize one for your home.



  • Mix and Match

Don’t be afraid to mix and match different styles and elements in your home decor. Combining different styles can create a unique and personalized look that really reflects your personality and tastes. For example, you might pair a modern couch with a vintage rug, or mix traditional furniture with contemporary artwork. Experiment with different combinations until you find the perfect balance that works for you.


  • Start Small

Finally, remember that finding your homes style is a process, and it’s okay to start small. You don’t need to completely overhaul your home all at once. Instead, start with a few small changes, like adding some new throw pillows, a plant, swapping out your curtains or painting a small room like your powder bath. These small changes can help give you a better sense of what kind of style you’re drawn to, and can help guide you as you make bigger changes later on.


(Before and After adding pillows and plants)

Finding your homes style doesn’t have to be overwhelming. By taking the time to determine your personal style, consider your lifestyle, choose a color scheme, mix and match different styles, and start small, you’ll be well on your way to creating a home that truly reflects your personality and tastes. Remember you home should be your favorite place to be.


For more ideas and inspiration from M4 Designs, check out these recent posts: